Clubs in Montreal:
Floorball starting at 11.1.2002
We will start 11th of January and the first time is free.
Bring your inside sneakers and a happy face!
Address : C E G E P De Bois-De-Boulogne
10555 Avenue De Bois-De-Boulogne
Montreal, Quebec H4N1L4
Nearest metro is Henri Bourassa.
Time : Saturdays at 11.45-12.45 starting 11th of January
More information: Eero Piilokivi; 384-4025, Jukka Haapasalo; starting 6.1. at number 735-2594 (cell. 497-2594)
Finnish School for children:
Join the Finnish School for children.
We have meetings once every 3 to 4 weeks on Saturdays from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM at the Finnish Church (1500 Dr. Penfield).
We do all kinds of things in Finnish (singing, art & crafts, baking, reading and writing, watching Finnish videos etc.)
Knowing Finnish is not a prerequisite.
Preliminary dates in event calendar.
For more info:
Marja Coady, puh: 514-739 1896
Irma Teittinen, puh: 1-518-562 5762
Scandinavian Soccer Tournament 2002
The finals in the Scandinavian soccer tournament were played on 7 September in Ovide Park in Pointe Claire in beautiful (and warm) weather. The Finnish team had made it to the final against Denmark, having won over Sweden 3-0 and Norway 5-1 and having played 2-2 against Denmark. Both Finland and Denmark played very well and evenly in the final game. Frederick managed a nice header into the goal for Finland and we won 1-0 over Denmark, last year's champion. We had a nice picnik after the game, with thanks to our sponsors Chris de Saint-Rome and Dagwood's sandwich group.
Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden have played for the Molson Scandinavian Cup for well over twenty years now. The players must have an affiliation or roots to one of the Nordic countries, usually parents or through marriage.
The players on the Finnish team were: Nick Argyropoulus, Mariano Ramos, Matti Ollila, Claus Frostell, Jean Laroche, Teuvo Saario, Eero Piilokivi, Daniel Boroff, Javier, Marc McKee, Kevin McKee, Tatu Lukka, Markus Raikkonen, Anssi Ronkainen, Jukka Haapasalo, Ilari Haapasalo, Joe Buduano, Jaakko Koponen, Jouko Koponen, Julian Segovia, Petri Tuomela, Matthew Dobchies, Frank Dobchies and Marcel Angelosanto.
Story and photo: Caj Frostell
© Copyright Caj Frostell